Intended for:
For professionals of various industries who regularly make presentations and perform in front of work colleagues, clients, as well as larger audiences, for the improvement of presentation skills.
A great presentation explains, motivates and unites, sells, promotes careers, helps achieve personal and group goals. Failed presentation? It achieves all the same. Only with a negative sign.
Each of us quite naturally "knows" what a good presentation should be. After listening to a speech, message or presentation of an idea, we can explain with arguments: have we understood the presenter's idea, has he convinced us, has the presentation aroused sympathy and a desire to cooperate.
However, when it comes to self-presentation, most people get nervous, shy, and stutter. Wanting to say everything at once, speaks a lot of words, but does not convey the idea. Trying to include every possible detail in your slides misses the point. Trying to achieve long-term goals in one presentation creates more problems than before.
How to avoid these popular mistakes? How to create your “perfect presentation”?
The answer can be found through more focused questions. How to create a presentation message? How to make a presentation? How to present dry and technical information in an exciting way? How to make a convincing impression in front of the audience? How to engage the audience? When and how to use handouts? How to use other technical aids?
Answers to these and other questions - in the seminar "Effective Presentation" by Kārlis Apkalns.
Benefits of the course:
Improved participants' ability to prepare the 'perfect presentation' with:
accurate understanding of the stages of presentation preparation;
reviewed presenters' most frequent mistakes and solutions for their correction;
practical presentation attempt and its qualified evaluation;
handy materials for repetition and skill maintenance.

Kārlis Apkalns
MBA (Riga Business School).
Latvia's TOP business trainer, has created seminars on 20+ topics.
Works with students of the Riga School of Economics (SSE Riga).
He has worked with Coca-Cola, Electrolux, Statoil, SEB, Rietumu banka, AB.LV and other brands in Latvia's leading advertising agencies.
Former IBM and Scania marketing manager in Latvia.
He was a Latvian television announcer.
Taught by the State Chancellery, Latvenergo, Sadales tīkls, VISMA,, LR RAPLM, TEVA, Mylan, Telia, Starcom, DPA, DHL, Ideju kaus, Go Beyond, etc. teams.
Requested speaker of the most popular conferences in Latvia.
Writes a blog dedicated to communication topics
2 training days | 16 academic hours
Day I
8 academic hours
Presenting an idea
Purpose of the presentation
Content organization
What is the listener "buying"?
Communication and communication background
Purpose of the presentation
Formulating the message
What message will achieve the desired response?
Graphic organization of thought
Principles of visual design
Examples of design principles
Examples of message structuring
Principles of visual design
Information saturation
Fonts, backgrounds, animations, images in visualization
Animations, etc. design tools
Visual programming
Homework - "Professional Presentation"
Topics: "My Project", "Department Strategy", etc.
Visual business card
Objectives of presentations
Professional presentation
Day II
8 academic hours
Performance techniques
Voice technique
Body Language
Audience engagement, etc.
Stress management during performance
Audience engagement, etc.
Homework "Professional presentation" (with video recording)
Joint Homework Analysis
Use of presentation techniques
Projectors, tablets, remote control, visual control, etc.
Working with the screen
Presenter, Room, Audience, Placement, etc.
Provision and sharing of information
Goals, Principles, Techniques
Slides, Prints, Cards, Supporting materials, etc.
Course summary
Next steps in developing presentation skills
Personal development plan